"An Ill Father, a Life-or-Death Decision"
My father was dying. There was an easy answer to the question posed by the E.R. doctor. But was it the right one? |
"Something Lost, Something Gained"
I suppose I was an easy target as I trudged through the mall that day — a tired red-nosed young mother distracted by her wailing child. And then it happened.... |
"Waking Up in Jerusalem"
The Palestinians gave me an unforgettable tour of the Holy Land, but it wasn’t easy to dismiss my sad caricatures of rock-hurling fanatics and fundamentalist terrorists. |
"Clouds in My Cuban Coffee"
Our family was lucky. Or at least that’s what my parents told me, over and over again. “We got out of Cuba just in time.” Forty-eight years later, I returned to Cuba for the first time and was mystified by the strange, sad world I tumbled into. |