Scripture Reflections
“Divine Secrets of the Gentile Centurion” Luke 7:1—10
The centurion draws on his military experience to nail an insight that had escaped Jesus’ followers. His riff on authority prompts Jesus to do something he’s never done before. |
“Brave Heart” Luke 13:31—35
Today’s gospel suggests that we have nothing to fear from tyrants or outsiders: it is our own people, living in the center of our sacred tradition, who will torment and test us most severely. |
"Unbridled Power" Mark 6:53—56
In Gennesaret, Jesus heals everyone. It’s a striking contrast to Nazareth, where the people’s lack of faith blocked Jesus’ power. And Jesus doesn’t monitor his power output here, like he did with the woman healed of a twelve-year hemorrhage. |
"João-of-all-trades" Luke 10:17—34
Burned in my memory is the expression on his face: pure, childlike wonder. It was a glimpse of humankind’s original innocence. |